Transcendent Nation Foundation
engaged action

The Transcendent Nation Foundation is focused on two initiatives.
The How to Save the World video series raises one of the most important questions of our time. Edited clips from the interviews are published on YouTube. Complete interviews can be viewed with free registration at Enter the Mandala. The Transcendent Nation Foundation will eventually release the full video series on DVD as a full-length documentary.
In partnership with the Big 'I' Group, the Transcendent Nation Foundation has developed a Facebook application to gather a "critical mass" of people to shift consciousness. Facebook users are invited to join one of twelve clans (each with a different approach to saving the world). The winners -- the three clans that have the most members when 144,000 have participated in the game -- will see prize money donated to non-profit organizations that are aligned with their approach to saving the world.
World peace is not only possible… it is possible within our lifetime.